DAta science for social good

We help non-profit, non-governmental and governmental organizations harness the power of their data to improve its impact on the community.

Who are we?

Data Science for Social Good Portugal is an open community of data scientists, data lovers and data enthusiasts that want to tackle problems that really matter. We believe in the power of data to transform our society for the better, for everyone.

Our formula


We cooperate with an institution working on projects with social impact to better understand their problems and data sources and how we can help them.


We assemble a group of volunteers to work as a team on a specific challenge from a beneficiary. We select people with all types of data skills willing to work on concrete social good projects.


Volunteers work alongside the beneficiary in a project that will solve a challenge/ address a need and that we hope will transform their data into actionable knowledge and increase their social impact.


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Sponsors & Partners

As a non-profit, we can’t survive without the help of our sponsors and partners!