Data on COVID-19's impact on the job market

Extraction, clean up and creation of a data repository from data on the impact of COVID-19 on the job market, made available by the Ministério do Trabalho, Solidariedade e Segurança Social (MTSSS) (Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security).



Creation of a set of .csv files and data dictionaries with sources considered relevant for studies on the impact of COVID-19 on the job market in Portugal.


1 – Creating a csv file with data that is considered relevant from that file, such as:
– Discharges due to isolation.
– Layoff requests.
– Dismissals.

2 – Creating a data dictionary (Markdown table or .csv file) with the meaning of each variable;

3 – Creating a script to update this data daily by extracting it from the platform, with a similar logic to what we have been doing in the repository (using Github Actions);

4 – Creating a test script to test the validity of the data and the functioning of the script, with the tests considered relevant;

5 – Including the scripts in the current workflow.